All podcast content by Mark Rosewater

Mark Rosewater 

Okay, I'm pulling out of my driveway. We all know what that means. It's time for another Drive to Work. Okay, a special treat today, guys. So my father is in town, and he needs my car. So he's going to drive me to work today, or I'm driving him to work. So he can have the car. Which means--special guest star! My dad. Say hi. 

Gene Rosewater  

Hi there. 

Mark Rosewater  

So there's my dad, Gene Rosewater. And so I want to talk about a couple of things. First off is, I'm a gamer specifically because my dad is a gamer.

I'm not pulling out of my driveway, we all know what that means! It's time for another Drive to Work: At Home Edition. Okay, so today's podcast is based on something I wrote on my blog. And I just wanted to go into more detail. It's a really interesting topic. So something I talked about in R&D philosophy is what we call inclusion over exclusion.

All podcast content by Mark Rosewater

Mark Rosewater: 

I'm not pulling out of my driveway! We all know what that means! It's time for another Drive to Work, At Home Edition. So today I want to talk about a concept that's very important to Magic. That's a little on the complex side. Card advantage.

All podcast content by Mark Rosewater, transcript by, editing by Lucas Harrington

I'm puling out of my driveway!  We all know what that means! It's time for another to Drive to Work. And today is the final day! So I've been doing a series called 20 Years, 20 Podcasts based on my 2016--I gave a speech at the Game Developers Conference, which is a big conference in New York--not New York, sorry, in San Francisco.

All podcast content by Mark Rosewater, transcript by, editing by Lucas Harrington

I'm pulling out of my driveway! We all know what that means! It's time for another Drive to Work. And I still have that cold but I'm persevering. 

Okay, so today is another in my series, 20 Years, 20 Podcasts. We are up to lesson #19. Almost done. So the lesson #19 is, your audience is good at recognizing problems and bad at solving them.

All podcast content by Mark Rosewater

I’m pulling out of my driveway! We all know what that means! It's time for another Drive to Work.

Okay, so today is another in my series, 20 Lessons 20 Podcasts, based on my GDC talk in 2016. So I'm up to Lesson Number 18. Restrictions breed creativity.

So a quick caveat. This is probably the lesson I'm most associated with. And as such, it is definitely a topic that I broach quite a number of times on my podcast.

All podcast content by Mark Rosewater

I’m pulling out of the parking lot! We all know what that means! It’s time for another Drive to Work.

Okay. So today’s topic is something that was suggested to be by my blog, my Blogatog. So someone suggested that I talk about work/life balance. And I thought that was a very interesting topic. So I’m going to talk about that today.

So let me set this up I guess—so one of the things about my job is it’s a pretty intense job.

All podcast content by Mark Rosewater

­­I’m pulling out of my driveway! We all know what that means! It’s time for another Drive to Work.

Okay, guys. So today is the seventeenth in my series of Twenty Lessons, Twenty Podcasts. And so I did a talk at GDC back in 2016, in it I talked about twenty lessons I learned during the twenty years I had of making Magic, and I’ve been doing a podcast on each lesson, so we’re up to number seventeen, you don’t have to change much to change everything.

All podcast content by Mark Rosewater

I’m pulling out of the parking lot! We all know what that means! It’s time for another Drive to Work. And I dropped my son off at camp.

Okay. So today is another in my series, Twenty Years, Twenty Podcasts. Or sorry, Twenty Lessons, Twenty Podcasts. Where I talk about twenty different lessons I learned over twenty years of making the same game.

All podcast content by Mark Rosewater

I’m pulling out of my driveway! We all know what that means! It’s time for another Drive to Work.

Okay. So today is another in my series, Twenty Lessons, Twenty Podcasts. Where I recap twenty important lessons that I’ve learned over the twenty years or more that I’ve been making Magic. This is based on a GDC speech I gave, so we’re up to lesson number 14. Don’t be afraid to be blunt.

Okay. So for each one of these, I always start with a story from Magic.